Sunday class 6(solution)


Group A: Multiple Choice Questions (10 × 1 = 10)

  1. What replaced vacuum tubes in the second generation of computers?
    b) Transistors
  2. Which of the following is an example of a first-generation computer?
    b) ENIAC
  3. Which type of computer works on physical quantities like voltage and current?
    b) Analog Computer
  4. Assertion (A): Machine language is written in binary code (0s and 1s).
    Reason (R): Machine language is directly understood by the computer without the need for a translator.
    a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
  5. What happens when you use multiple <br> tags in a row?
    b) Extra blank lines are added
  6. How do you create a paragraph with center alignment?
    b) <p align=”center”>Text</p>
  7. In Scratch, what is the purpose of variables?
    b) To store and change values
  8. How do you repeat a block of code a fixed number of times?
    b) Using the “repeat ()” block
  9. What is the function of the “forever” block?
    b) Runs the script until stopped
  10. How do you hide a sprite in Scratch?
    b) Using the hide block

Group B: True or False (5 × 1 = 5)

1. Write true or false: 5×1=5

i)High-level languages require no translators to convert code into machine language.

ii)An interpreter converts the entire high-level program into machine code at once.

iii)Supercomputers are the most powerful computers in terms of processing speed and storage capacity.

iv)The <head> tag contains the main content of the webpage.

v)The “forever” block runs the script only once.

i) False (High-level languages require translators to convert code into machine language.)
ii) False (An interpreter converts code line by line, not the entire program at once.)
iii) True
iv) False (<head> tag contains metadata, not the main content.)
v) False (The “forever” block runs the script continuously until stopped.)

2. Write the html code of the following page.      5

i)Page title “PLANT”.

ii)Bcakground color of the page “yellow”

iii)write-> C6H12O6

iv)Write 2 lines on plant.

v)Text color will be red, font size 6 and font type=” Algerian”

Group B: HTML Code (5 Marks)





<body bgcolor=”yellow”>

    <font color=”red” size=”6″ face=”Algerian”>


        Plants produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide.<br>

        They are essential for the ecosystem.




Group B: Full Forms (5 × 1 = 5)

a) ENIAC – Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
b) FORTRAN – Formula Translation
c) COBOL – Common Business-Oriented Language
d) UNIVAC – Universal Automatic Computer
e) BASIC – Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

5. Write the qbasic code of the following programs: 5×5=25

a) Sum of Series: 1×2² + 2×3² + 3×4² + …. N terms


INPUT “Enter number of terms: “, N

INPUT “Enter value of X: “, X

S = 0

FOR I = 1 TO N

    S = S + I * (I + 1) ^ 2


PRINT “Sum of series: “; S


b) Sum of Series: X + X² + X³ + X⁴ + …. N terms


INPUT “Enter number of terms: “, N

INPUT “Enter value of X: “, X

S = 0

FOR I = 1 TO N

    S = S + X ^ I


PRINT “Sum of series: “; S


c) Sum of Series: 10 + 20 + 40 + 80 + 160…. N terms


INPUT “Enter number of terms: “, N

S = 0

T = 10

FOR I = 1 TO N

    S = S + T

    T = T * 2


PRINT “Sum of series: “; S


d) Sum of Series: 10 + 20 + 40 + 70 + 110+…. N terms


INPUT “Enter number of terms: “, N

S = 0

T = 10

D = 10

FOR I = 1 TO N

    S = S + T

    T = T + D

    D = D + 10


PRINT “Sum of series: “; S


e) Sum of Series: 1 + 9 + 25 + 49 + …. N terms


INPUT “Enter number of terms: “, N

S = 0

FOR I = 1 TO N

    IF I MOD 2 <> 0 THEN



PRINT “Sum of series: “; S


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