Project of class 8(Algorithm,flowchart,App development)
Question paper: Topic 2: Flowchart: Topic 3: Output: Flowchart: Download pdf file
Question paper: Topic 2: Flowchart: Topic 3: Output: Flowchart: Download pdf file
In this lecture, I have explained more 10 programming on arrays in C programming. In your previous class, you learned about the basic features of the array with some basic programming. In this article, I am going to explain more complex array programs. 1. Program to Remove Duplicates from an Array #include <stdio.h> int main() … Read more
What is a tuple? A tuple in Python is used to store heterogeneous data types and is enclosed by parenthesis (). The structure is almost similar to a list but the list is mutable, on the other hand, the tuple is immutable. Mutable -we can change the elements in a data series. Example of modifying … Read more
In this article I will discuss with you the essential html tags and its features. Learn it carefully and you have to practice it. In the final term question paper there are several questions on HTML. First of all you have to know about tags. Tags in html start with <>(angle brackets) and close with … Read more
1. How do we insert a new worksheet in Excel 2016? A. Right-click on a sheet tab and choose the” Insert” option. B.Go to “Home” tab then click the” Insert sheet” C. press the button “Ctrl+N” D.Both A and B are correct. 2. What is the shortcut key for copying cells in Excel 2016? A.CTRL+X … Read more
1.Store 2 numbers in two variables and swap or exchange them by using 3rd variable class swap1 { public static void main(String args[]) { int a=10,b=20,t; System.out.println(“Before swap: a = ” + a + “, b = ” + b); t = a; a = b; b = t; System.out.println(“After swap: a = ” + … Read more